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  • faithkidsartesia


Good Day to you all!!!

I do not know about you but this time change was not easy on my family or me.  We all just wanted to sleeeeeeeeeeep.  But we must not sleep we must get up and attack the day.  Which is why I woke my kids up this morning with a squirt bottle, I know sounds mean, but we all had a good laugh. 

Laughter is what we are going to talk about today.  Do you hear lots of laughs in your home, in your car, anytime you and your family is together?

I know in our home the emotional roller coaster is wild, but we hear a lot of laughter.  With four kids it is hard not to because one of them is always doing something that gets us all giggling.  We tend to laugh at most circumstances due to the fact that we can laugh or we can stress and get all up in a whirlwind. 

You see what is going to happen will happen and laughter is a great way to work through whatever is happening. 

We tell a lot of jokes in our house and usually they are so dumb we have to laugh.  When one child does not want to do something the rest of us do, they pitch a fit and we laugh, not at them, but with each other because what else are we going to do?  Get mad?  Get frustrated?  Pitch a fit with them?  NO, we just embrace our family and the dynamics and roll and laugh, a lot. 

We watch funny movies, we play games which turns out a lot of laughter, we just flat laugh.

Why is laughter important in the home?

1. Laughter relaxes!!

Have you ever had a good laugh, I mean the kind of laugh that brings tears and just hurts the whole body?  When you are done you just feel better.  It releases hormones that naturally cause us to relax more. 

2. Laughter creates a calm environment!

Our house can be crazy.  From the morning alarm until we all lay our head on our pillow there is always something going on.  From getter ready for school, making meals, getting ready for practice, and it goes on and on, but when there are breaks filled with laughter we just have a calmer home.  The busiest does not end, but with pauses of laughter, it sure makes it calmer and more enjoyable.

3. Laughter creates a culture of fun.

This is probably the most important.  You see the dynamic we create in our home is what we are teaching our kids what family is all about.  I don’t know about you but we want to create a fun, calm, and enjoyable place for our kids and show them what family is all about.  We want them to know that we are going to laugh and have fun amidst all the chaos and life we are going to enjoy what God gave us and laugh to the fullest. 

There are many things that will cultivate and create a healthy home, but laughter is huge. 

So my challenge for you is to look for areas of laughter.  Life is hard and can be tough, but look for areas you can laugh and enjoy the moments. 

All for of my kids have a distinct laugh and it has to be one of the most enjoyable sounds in the world.  From Ryanne’s high pitch laugh to Rheaganne who loses her breath, to Rorie who tries hard not to but just can’t contain it, to Rhettleigh, like everything, laughs so loud you can’t help but join her. 

You see laughter is one of the sounds God created to bring smiles, joy, and pure happiness to this earth.

So don’t miss the times where you can get mad, but should just laugh.  The times your kids tell you jokes and they are not funny, but you know you should just laugh.  Whatever you do laugh today.  My prayer is around the dinner table, in your car, or over a good movie this week you and your family will laugh.

When the good laugh is over, pause and think

Am I more relaxed?

Am I calmer?

Did we just experience fun?

I bet you will notice a difference. 

So today, tomorrow, and in what is yet to come to laugh, laugh hard, and enjoy all that we get to be a part of.

Have a super awesome good time day!


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