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What is Success?

We define success in many ways in today’s society! Some would base it off

money, status, careers, how we look, our kids’ sports involvement, and the list goes

on and on.

My question for you is HOW DO YOU DEFINE SUCCESS? As a person, spouse, and a

parent our definition of success is ultimately our motivation. When we have a

concrete definition of success we can begin to build a plan of how to achieve that


I know for my family and myself this is a struggle at times. I want to be liked; I want to

have kids that are well behaved; I want to have a good house, and at times I want to

see my kids do well in sports. But for who? ME. Success can be hard because we live

in a world that tells us our success is all about US, ME, MYSELF.

As a believer in Christ this definition must start with that in mind. You see we are

called to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, and mind. Matthew 22:37 tells us

“Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul

and with all your mind.” For me this is how I base success. Have I loved God with all

my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind? Sadly, I fail often, but the good

news is I am trying.

When trying to LOVE GOD is my motivation my thoughts are different, my language

is different, my actions are different, how I treat my wife is different all because of

who I am trying to love. There will come a time when I must stand before God

and give an account of my life as a man, husband, and father. God will not ask about

my house, or how much money I made, or the car I drove, or how many travel

tournaments my kids played in. We will look at all the areas I missed for HIS

GLORY and KINGDOM. Nothing else.

So, you can strive every day to make the most money, hard work is not the issue.

You can chase your dreams all day, dreams are not a bad thing.

You can put your kids in all the stuff you want, being busy is not the problem.


The problem is our HEART. Matthew 6: 21tells us “For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.”

So, what is your motivation that defines your success? Is our heart for God driving

you, or is it our heart for us?

I want to leave you with 3 things to help redefine your motivation and definition of


1. Pray. Through conversation with God things will be revealed to us.

Conviction, direction, and motivation will happen; but only when we take

time to ask will answers be given.

2. Come up with a personal mission statement. This might sound weird, but

when you have a personal mission and it includes, or better is surrounded by

Loving God and loving others, it will keep you focused on what is most


3. Change. Once you realize the areas that need to be different, the biggest step

to take is to change. Change those areas that need it. Get better at the areas

that are good.

At the end of the day what is most important is our relationship with God and what

we are doing for His kingdom. As a person, a spouse, and parent. Keep what

matters most in the front and let God handle the rest.

We are all guilty of being selfish, but the beautiful thing is we serve a God that is

loving and forgiving.

Keep up the fight and thanks for reading.

Have a super, awesome, good-time day.

Paul Dunbar

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